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Old June 30, 2020, 07:01 PM
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GordonJ GordonJ is offline
Join Date: Aug 2006
Location: West Palm Beach, FL
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Default Thanks Scooby kid, a lot of us are rethinking our next move.

I wonder how many of us (you all) are thinking about making some changes to their current or former business? I know a few direct salespeople, and advertising reps, who have to adjust, some find they need to make 100 phone calls to get the same business they would get with 10 cold calls.

The NOT knowing, and the frustration, seeing different rules for different businesses, will be a boiling point.

If you have followed my Summer predictions, know we are still on the very front end of it, and a long HOT summer may help tamp down Covid-19, with erring on the side of caution...

we are still very early into protests, and other things we don't have any idea of at this point, will make this be a stressful one.

But on a positive note, and to share with the group, if anyone has shifted their business, or have gotten creative feel free to tell us.

I see Ohio dairy farmers are dumping milk. Not sure what this means to us in general, for them, they can't sell their wares...will the food chain be effected?

Will cheese prices go up, will grocery shelves become even more barren?

I don't know.

Do you?


Originally Posted by Velma View Post
The crisis is a very good time to...improve the efficiency of your business. Even if you can't sell stationary, you can buy your products online. If you provide language services, or if you teach swimming, find a way to do things differently. Maybe a paid video guide? Don't be ashamed of changing your business. Maybe your products can be sent to a customer. Are you a hairdresser and do not have customers because there is a coronavirus? Maybe it is time to start selling cosmetic accessories? Do you have a car rental company? Offer your services to grocery stores, which take your customers home. Think about how to use the fact that your customers stay at home. Diversify your business. Transport companies also have storage services, restaurants that have so far received guests in restaurants, spend them on take-out.
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