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Old December 20, 2006, 04:25 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Have You Been To The Global Warming Factory Today?

No matter if you read Rush Limbaugh Comic Books or go to Al Gore Whine N' Tease Events these facts are indisputable....

Global warming is a real event.

Majority of real smart people who spend tens of years studying in this area including tons of Nobel Prize winners think Man is at least 50% of the reason for the warming. A much smaller number of perhaps equally real smart people think Man is NOT a major(<50%) cause of the warming.

No matter what the cause our lives will change (at least noticeable perhaps and likely uncomfortable) at some point in time in the near generations

Now everyone should go to the factory when they want to manufacture an opinion. Although these are your sole tools you may use them in any way you see fit.
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