Thread: Sales Help
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Old May 17, 2003, 06:52 AM
Steve MacLellan
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Sales Help

> I work for a small distributor of
> software/video games and the latest
> Mexican/American titles. I've recently begun
> helping out with the sales aspect of it and
> have stage fright, cold feet just don't like
> making cold calls I guess. We're trying to
> tap into nontraditional markets for our
> product so I'm supposed to call on local
> chains to sell. I don't know what to say in
> the opening 30 seconds to grab their
> attention beyond introducing myself, company
> then what? Help.

You're approaching local chains (video outlets I assume) to stock your products for sale or rent? This is something they will make money on, right?

Forget about the telephone -- the car works much better.

Show them some of your titles. If you can't find the right person at the store to talk to, leave some information and come back later.

Last week I had to approach a niche market with an advertising opportunity. Out of the six businesses I approached, two of the owners were unavailable, but I closed on 3 out of four with an idea of a try before you buy approach.

Folks don't like to be sold to, but they like ideas they might benefit from. So... show them your idea.

Best Regards,
Steve MacLellan