Thread: CTR
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Old August 30, 2022, 12:08 PM
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Originally Posted by palak231 View Post
Hi this is Palak Sharma
I am an engineering student. I like doing coding in different programming languages. Python is one of my favorite programming language. I have also started making YouTube videos. I am little bit confused about CTR (Clickthrough Rate), why it is important and what is the role of CTR and how I can calculate CTR. I had also seen this post about CTR but still there are some doubts on this. Can anyone give their suggestions on this, would be a great support.


I'm never sure about these kind of posts, but assuming it is real, then I have some comments about analytics in general.

I don't see a specific question in this post, other than the poster has doubts.

About what? I don't know.

But I can make some general statements about this...programming and all the analytics of Internet Marketing.

I am not a programmer, never liked the idea, even back in the late 1960's when first introduced to it, to me, then and now, it is a specialized typing service...not unlike a court stenographer. Push the right buttons on a key board, and something is created.

I don't know of any programmer working from the pic-nic table down by the river...or one who works, maybe an hour a day. Maybe they exist...

But we all get to choose our own paths. Of all the languages I've been exposed to, only early HTML has had any place in my noggin, my thinking being that PROGRAMMERS can be hired.

Today, with all the non programming things out there, and with programmers being readily available at cheap prices...unless there is a passion for it, I don't normally suggest Internet Marketes go that route.

Now, a lot of older guys, have come out of programming and it is helpful in having that as a foundation, but it also, is not necessary for most people who just want to use the Internet to make money from.

Anyhow, I do come from a background of analytics, and I understand why and how a big or growing company needs and uses them...and also one of the reasons why I don't want to grow big, or take on employees, or get involved it other people's projects. In case you don't know, I prefer to fly low and collect the dough.

In the last 30 years...I've encountered scores of people; engineers, programmers, analytical by nature or preference...get lost in the getting their numbers in a row before beginning.

When approached from an analytical perspective, we start with a strategy which includes KPI (Key Performance Indicators), tracking, data capture...all before there is ANY data to work with.

Just my simple minded, less slop and mess opinion, it is better to get started to have something alive, in circulation in the marketplace, and add the analytics as the data is gathered.

If one creates YouTube videos, then the first thing would be to have some ready to be seen creations.

If one is using Python to enhance web experiences, then there should be some data collected from what has already out there, what is in circulation.

When you have data to use and analyze, then there are many options depending on your goals.

Anyhow, in lieu of any specific questions, my general advice is...

GET some data, first, before you start to analyze at the get go, or, in other words do something first, then anaylyze it.


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