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Old January 12, 2021, 10:15 PM
Dien Rice Dien Rice is online now
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Default The power of counting your _________

When you think about it, we live in pretty good times...

Imagine we were living in 1941... Nazism was in the process of taking over the "free world"... Imperial Japan was in the process of imposing their own ruthlessness across Asia...

That was a fearful time...

And go back further into history... Let's take the US Civil War. In one day, September 17, 1862, resulted in 23,000 soldiers killed in the Battle of Antietam. Overall, somewhere between 620,000 and 750,000 soldiers died in the Civil War...

Then, I always like to think of how medieval kings had no flush toilets, and in some cases, only bathed once a year!

In so many ways, today, we live better than past kings and queens!

I think that counting your blessings is a very valuable practice...

Be vigilant and careful, but still count your blessings - that's what I do...! (Or, I try my best!)

Best wishes,

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