Thread: Skip Rosell
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Old June 17, 2013, 05:46 PM
Glenn Glenn is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2006
Posts: 1,250
Default *How to Fight Cancer and Win* - 100's of Clients Successful Tests

Thank You Reward for Skip,

Billionaire Ted Nicholas told me about the book, "How to Fight Cancer and Win" at a Before-Seminar-morning walk in the woods.

He was hired to write a magazine article that successfully
sold tens of thousands of copies of this book.

THE REASON the book is so Valuable is it's NOT About Cancer Alone.

Most of the Stories, Testimonials and Case Studies
in the book are from Doctors around the world who
have Successfully healed patients of all kinds of Pain and Disease
using these methods.

AND after Testing it myself with Great Results...I needed less sleep but felt
more energy and better rested.

(WEIRD side effect - I now have dreams that I - write down and
turn into New INFO products that sell well.)

I began to Share the Strategy with 100's of my VIP Customers Who
are getting older and Suffer from age related diseases.

Based on their Results I Wrote a Book full of SPECIFIC DIRECTIONS using
Success Stories about how my customers have HEALED all kinds of arthritis,
Headaches, Muscle and blood pressure problems and almost any health
situation you can think of...

Don't Take Ted's word.
Don't Take MY Word alone.

Skim thru some of the IMPOSSIBLE CURE comments on - below...

Glenn Osborn

P.S. - Here is a link to an inexpensive copy.

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