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Old September 18, 2017, 12:30 PM
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GordonJ GordonJ is offline
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Location: West Palm Beach, FL
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Default How to fly below the radar, and above the fray.

Above the fray?

Here is the Webster definition:

not directly involved in an angry or difficult struggle or disagreement

Example: His political aides handled the controversy while he remained above the fray

What a world we live in. My biggest gripe about the Internet, is, comments.

I NEVER (or try not to) read article comments. It is an equal playing field, but it is riddled with land mines and traps.

Some want to suck you into a political cursing contest. These trolls are fairly easy to identify, unless they use covert persuasion.

Some want to involve you in their "RIGHT AND TRUE" religions.

Others just want to harass and harangue and waste your time.


And, it turns out our biggest enemies are OURSELVES. A discovery well elucidated by Pogo:

By Source, Fair use,

There is a space, I oft struggle to maintain, but it is flying below the radar and above the fray.

Here is where you make your dough, keep focused on what is important to you, don't get sucked into debates or involved in other people's opinions.

I'd say it is a place where very few people get to, but if they get a taste of it, want to get back to as often as possible.

The way to remain at an altitude which suits you, is to know what that is. And keep checking your altimeter to see where you are at.

Let the bombers launch their politics/religion/conspiracy bombs. Let the machine gunners strafe their imagined enemies, and keep a close watch on your time and how it is being spent...and make sure someone isn't trying to spend your time for you

Fly Low and Collect Your Dough...And Stay Above the Fray. My new mantra.


Last edited by GordonJ : September 18, 2017 at 12:50 PM.
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