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Old July 31, 2000, 09:04 AM
Gordon Alexander
Posts: n/a
Default What about Rocky Colavito's Wheelhouse? ....

It might have been a little smaller than Mickey's, but when the ball landed in that wheelhouse, LOOK OUT...

Oh, my Judo instuctor, Rusty Sheehan from the YMCA here in the Falls, taught me how to defend myself against the BOXERS.

You ignore their punch...or as we saw what happened in the Ali-Karate match, the little guy stayed below The Greatest's Arm reach. He crawled around the floor trying to kick the champ.

It was a sad moment in sports but a great lesson.

Don't let them land a punch and they can't hurt you, this of course in reference to that little

"weenie golfer" comment...

I've also learned a Graphite shafted driver has as much power as a right hook, and a longer reach be careful around us weenies....


Gordon (Oscar Mayer) Alexander