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Old July 17, 2013, 07:29 PM
Glenn Glenn is offline
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Default Jason-3 Proven Suggestions to Sell Your House Quick

Thanks Jason,

I consult with #1 realtors, brokers and investors.

Photos and video that look like MORE WORK for the buyer - will not sell the
house. (I'll explain what MORE WORK means)

#1 - You don't have a Headline

#2 - People in the real estate market today want to think they are getting a
good DEAL.

So you must must must have a "Reason Why Headline" in Your Ad

I've sold houses with headlines that read:

Just Married Have to Sell my House
Fast Cuz We're Paying 2 Mortgages

Got a couple 100 phone calls and sold


"RETIRING and moving to FL


"Got Transferred to CA for new job
Must Sell This House Fast
because my Furniture is GONE!
Call ___________.

Must Sell New House Quick
Bought Daughter a Horse
and Need More Yard and Grass!

Again - lots of phone calls. AND this one was jumped on by the editor
of the local Newspaper - cuz of the Horse angle.

So we had a bidding war for it. ALWAYS good news.

#3 - Your Photos and video Do Not Show What Home Shoppers are EXCITED
ABOUT Up-Front.

A - Your cover photo made me think, "Oh God look at all the trimming work
I'd have to do around the driveway."


Show the Front Entrance door

Any Bay window or windows with a view

The Bathroom

The Kitchen with a clear view of the Cutting and work surface.
Age of the appliances.

Your Kitchen photo is buried far into the video and looks dark and gloomy.

IF I were asked to sell your parents house I'd ASK the same Questions House
Buying prospects are wondering, "Why are you moving?"

"Why was the price reduced?

"What is WRONG with the house that makes you drop the price by 100K?

Glenn Osborn

P.S. - Didn't intend to preach but I do this a lot and you'll NEVER sell the house with photos of Problems and areas nobody cares about.

I shuddered to see all the trimming and lawn work. All your pictures
Show SWEAT and Problems.

Instead of bright shiny possibilities.

P.P.S. - Realtors can't take photos worth a darn. OR write PSYCHOLOGICAL REASON WHY Ads that Feature
a REASON WHY Headline and the 5% of info people WANT to know before
they will call you.

I helped a guy s ell his multi-million dollar house in Lake Tajoe.

Just Divorced & Must Sell
Lake Tajo Mansion I Built
Myself to Divide Up for Settlement.
Call _________.

Worked like a charm.

He was reluctant to run the ad. But after his realtor couldn't sell it after 8 months.

This "Divorce Forcing me to sell" ad was created as a flyer
and stuck on all the other house door knobs
around the lake.

It got snapped up in 48 hrs.
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