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Old October 26, 2006, 05:48 PM
Glenn Glenn is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2006
Posts: 1,253
Default How Wearing CHAIN MAILE Can Boost Your Income On & Off Line


Thanks for the great posts on the forum.

Don Alm (A few posts down) has great instincts about what hotel managers want. (He just Sussed out the fact that 1000’s of calls about TV listings and Best Places to eat - are driving Hotel Employees NUTS.)

Where there is intense PAIN.
There is potential for a Big Gain.
We're waxing poetic again.
We'll try to obstain.

(EDITOR’S NOTE: Wearing Chain maile guarantees you’ll have “Adventures” that you can Share on-line. Prospects buy because they like you. Because you are fun to talk to in print - ezine, email or direct mail.)

Janet called us because her new client - who owns a struggling magazine - invited her to go horse riding. When she avoided that. He invited her to his Cigar Club for lunch.

Her question: “How do I stay out of this rich guy’s clutches without ticking him off. Losing a 37,000.00 income stream?”

We gave Janet some strategies from our affluent female mentors. But suggested that there was ONE thing that other women sales people Rave about. That she can do to:

a - Stay in Control.
b - Look dominant.
c - Act like a lady at all times.

Several marketing gurus make this point: Whether you are communicating face to face or ON-LINE - IF you wish the other person to PAY you money...

1 - You have to lead the conversation.
2 - Have a goal or out-come for the meeting.
3 - Demand and command respect from that person - or they don’t see you as someone who “deserves” their money.

How Janet Can Quietly Dominate Affluent Men at The Cigar Smoking Club:

I - Go early. Learn where things are. Pre-heat the staffers that count.
II - Lead the conversation.
III - Name drop the names of prominent members and staffers.
IV - LEAD the way to the smoking room. LEAD the way to lunch.
V - Wear a Silver CHAIN MAILE Tie - (perhaps) with a black pants suit.

(The Chain Maile Tie - makes an Unconscious yet dominant connection with the men who SEE it. We have dozens of women sales people who use the Chain maile tie to meet and sell to More people - better networking.)


P.S. - You might think this is the most ridiculous advice you Ever heard. But what you may not know is that in over 20 years of going to meetings, trade shows and networking events. A Red or Blue, or silver or Black CHAIN MAILE Tie is the Most powerful ice-breaking and networking tool we’ve EVER found.

Literally dozens of our shy men and women - are meeting scores of new people. WITHOUT saying a single word. Without even standing up out of their chairs.


CHAIN MAILE TIE TESTIMONIAL - This just in from a Mortgage broker client. You know how BAD they are at meeting new people:

Hey, Glenn!
It worked.* I finally got to wear one of the ties.* (I think it best if they are worn one at a time.* Sorry, pathetic humor.)
And damn.* You're right.* Most people are blind with their eyes wide open.
First person to "see" the tie was cashier at Quiznos, where I had breakfast yesterday in Dan Diego who called her helper over to see it.* She said she was "into" ties and would like to see a purple one.* I told her it is available.
I was in San Diego to attend the breakout session where Brian Rodgers (whose real estate training/marketing*material, like yours, I became familiar with through Ebay)*was introducing his new training program.* I walked into a room of about 20-25 people (about half the men were wearing "normal" ties).
Let me explain the seating.* It was a smaller room with about 5 tables down each side that could sit 3-each*(similar to aircraft seating but not as cramped).**I was seated in the aisle seat, second table from the front, speaker's left.
Brian is an animated speaker.* He simply CAN'T stand in one place and just speak his mind.* He moooooves side-to-side, forwards to the computer projector and back to the front. *A couple hours into the training, he's beside me talking about something, looks down at me, breaks sentence and says: "I like that tie."* (He wasn't wearing one.* He honestly wasn't there to sell.)
A few others also commented during the day, all positively.* By the end of the day, I was being called "Mr. Chain-Maile."
It's amazing how subtly it works.* Almost completely unseen.* (Yet so conspicuous.)
P.S.* If you can use this, by all means, feel free.

************************************************** ****
Glenn again:

IF you are bored - we could use your help. In our newest auction we’re testing FLIRT ideas. A friend of Steve Jobs says he used these NLP Questions put coeds into Trance States in college. (Steve can sell anything to anybody. So it’s not only about FLIRT practice.)

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