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Old October 16, 2015, 12:55 AM
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GordonJ GordonJ is offline
Join Date: Aug 2006
Location: West Palm Beach, FL
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Default Saw a laminator.

Reminds me. I was a jewelry courier for Finley Fine Jewelry (they had the Oneil's account in this area) and once a week, I'd make a sidetrip to pick up SIGNS that were being laminated...

in some women's basement. She had quite a lucrative sideline.

A few years ago, I made some laminated white boards, lap top size, for a few courses we were thinking was a series of white boards for Copywriting, we had blue (non duplicating lines) prompts on each, one was for the HEADLINE, and you could write and erase as many times as you wanted, to SEE how it looked.

I think we did several Hotsheets, which were laminated, and seeing this little "Industrial" machine in the Uline catalog, triggered the old memory cells...and in one of those boxes I look at once a year, in one of the many notebooks is an outline and probably a fleshed out biz plan for these little unknown, seldom discussed businesses.

I love laptop whiteboards, and dry erase markers, let's you capture your thoughts in all the colors of your mind.


Originally Posted by GordonJ View Post
I Love getting catalogs still.

I've written down 10 ideas just from the first half of the catalog.

It points out just how big business is, and their need for stuff like this. ULINE specializes in Shipping Supplies, but they are so much more than that.

I call it the IDEA catalog.

Hope you get yours this week.


PS. SOON, the Holiday catalogs arrive, YIPPEE.
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