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Old April 8, 2007, 10:22 AM
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GordonJ GordonJ is offline
Join Date: Aug 2006
Location: West Palm Beach, FL
Posts: 3,480
Default The answer is in the YOU. What you would and wouldn't do.

100 bux. No car. Internet, yes. Phone, yes. PayPal is free as is eBay account and an assumption that if you have Internet you have email...or can use a free one. Right?

The face-to-face or perhaps I should say the IN YOUR FACE salesperson might make a sample or mock-up and try to sell ADVERTISING. Or some service to business.

Physical types, who can mow lawns, wash windows, clean garages etc. have to walk (or get there somehow) to areas and start knocking on doors offering their services. The 100 bux limits the equipment you can buy.

People with medical of physical challenges may have to figure a way to work from their home. Phone answering, phone calling, dictation, etc. and as always it is finding the customers to make this a reality.

Although anyone can send a letter or an email, so even if you can't do physical chatteling, you can do FINDING and selling. It is the basic concept that Jim Straw's MCE is based on (yes, I'm a member).

So it isn't about what TO do, it is about what you can and are willing to DO.

Some examples:

I might order some free business cards. Using google I'd see that I could get 250 cards for just 5.95 S & H.

On these cards could be offers for all kinds of things. And as far as having a car or not, it comes back to your choices of where you live...yes, you did agree to live there. In Cuyahoga Falls, I'm within walking distance (although I do walk at least 5 miles a day to begin with) of thousands of people and businesses including two GOLF courses and two driving ranges.

So, I'd offer a FREE golf lesson for my business card. On the spot. FREE. But I'd have a little bag with a digital camcorder...and for say 10 bux, I'd shoot a dvd they could take home with them.

As has been my philosophy since day one online, you have to start where you are at, with what you've got and KNOW where you want to go.

What do I want that 100 bux to do? Last summer I started with 5 dollars a neighborhood garage sale and today it is over 500 bux and growing. I walked to the garage sale, sold mostly on eBay and found and sold things since then on craigslist...a lot of it I found right here in Cuyahoga Falls. Some I never touched, just had it picked up or delivered.

Now even without the camcorder, I know I'd get about 10 mini-lessons in a two hour period...for 100 day, repeat...but most of those people would buy a few more discounted packages from me.

Every person reading this COULD take the 100 dollars and start to turn it around...the secret is to keep it moving...keep it growing.

BUT, each of us is sitting at the computer filtering and screening the ideas...which could be very lucrative for a few...but not for us. Right?

So it has to start even before the 100 dollars. It has to begin at Square One (bet no one saw that coming...he.he) with knowing what you want.

For ME, the best use of the 100 dollars would be to invest in some nice envelopes and create a sales letter to send to a select few MARKETERS offering my services. I wouldn't have to sell a thousand widgets or whatever, I'd just have to sell myself to just ONE of them. And that 100 dollars would be 25 times that amount in a week. Then I'd have to consider what I'd want to do with that.

There are as many ways to use that 100 dollars as there are people to use it...the secret to it is...

start where you are at,
with what you have,
know where you want to go
take action

So for those who may SHOUT that THEY could do this or that or the other, it MAY be great for you, but it doesn't fit for most of us...and that goes for any of the good (thank you) ideas being posted.

Gordon Jay Alexander
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