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Old November 17, 2011, 09:24 AM
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GordonJ GordonJ is offline
Join Date: Aug 2006
Location: West Palm Beach, FL
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Default Spiders, Snakes and Mice...OH my.

What's been fun for me is we have a LABORATORY in a Suburban parked at a car wash...although yesterday, we went to the other side of town (a 7 minute trip) and set up in a vacant lot...something we don't recommend you do...since we got TWO in the first 10 minutes, Boz is contacting the owner to get permission...

we'll be testing different locations...any....whoooo...

We treat it as a game, Boz Can't Lose Game...while I like to record and take notes about REACTIONS...and the


to our STIMULI, what we say, how we say it...

I'm noting Tone, Inflection, testing Mirroring, NLP, Old Fashioned Salesmanship...which brings us back to

Spiders, Snakes and Mice...

Today I'm going to Re Record and make a guerrilla animated video of my experience which set me on a path of salesmanship and understanding of human behavior.

When I was 10 (or 9, not sure) a neighbor asked me to pick flowers from a field gone to seed, a field which was a few years earlier a thriving nursery...

Another neighbor, Mr. White taught me some MAGIC WORDS and at the end of an hour, I had one of the most useful LESSONS of my life and I went home a dollar richer BIG MONEY for a 9 year old in 1959...

along with two books by the Elmers...



And since I just experienced both of these "truths" it set me down the path of discovery...

So today, the adventure continues being able to Test our sentences, checking reactions, observing human behavior while in a sales process.

I've noted we get business when we're doing a job...

Cialdini's Social Proof I think best describes this sales phenomen...

So, today I'll record SPIDERS, SNAKES AND MICE, OH MY along with my NEW video...

The Alexander MODIFIED Maslow Pyramid and then we'll get into the SQ1...

My FREE course on persuasion will then be:

Two part video Spiders, Snakes and Mice, OH MY

PictoGrigm of Persuasion YOU

PictoGrigm of Persuasion TARGET/PROSPECT (PoP Transaction)

Two Part Alexander MODIFIED Maslow Pyramid

and one final VIDEO called...

So, now KNOWING what you know...what do you want and what are you going to do.

Hopefully be done by weekend.

Gordon (from the human laboratory along the streets of Carlsbad, NM) Alexander

PS. The headlight cleaning biz is more of a find a need and fill it...and doesn't take any real selling...just let them see you...and VIOLA, some pretty easy money.

PPS. I think this would be a great business for a teenager...I'm sure they would make far more than what a McDonald's experience would give them.

Last edited by GordonJ : November 17, 2011 at 09:46 AM.
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