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Old March 14, 2012, 12:28 AM
Dien Rice Dien Rice is offline
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Default Could THIS be the key to weight loss?

You're about to find out whether this new idea could be the key to weight loss... And also, could it open up a whole new market?

There's a recent theory, which is that... This component of the AIR could be what's making people fat!

Over the past few decades, everyone all over the world (as I understand it) seem to have gotten fatter... This apparently corresponds with the rise of carbon dioxide, or CO2...

The theory is, increased CO2 in the air could be making everyone gain weight!

The way the theory works is, more CO2 breathed in makes your blood more acidic... and in turn, this makes you want to eat more... And this could lead to the opening up of a new market...

First, here's the article about it. Then I'll get to the potential new market...

New theory: CO2 makes you fat

Now, what about the market?

IF it's true... Then, people will want to breathe in less CO2. That could mean breathing in MORE oxygen...

Could there be a new market in oxygen?

There have been attempts to sell oxygen in the past... Here are a couple reports on these past efforts...

Oxygen in a stick -
Oxygen in a can -

However, as far as I know, nobody's sold concentrated oxygen as a weight loss supplement... And the weight loss market is HUGE...

Just some thoughts of what the future may potentially hold...

Best wishes,

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