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Old December 26, 2018, 01:25 PM
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GordonJ GordonJ is offline
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Location: West Palm Beach, FL
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Default Why bother with TCA (Total Conscious Awareness)? What's in it for YOU???

It has been 58 years since my introduction to salemanship via two books by the Elmers, Wheeler and Leterman.


This got me started, and every year I've added to that foundation studying psychology, behavior, influence, persuasion and all things about people.

As in getting people to do what you want them to do. Easy to see in sales. You want them to buy what you are selling. Basic foundation of capitalism.

But as I grew, and especially during my Navy years, I saw many different kinds of influence, persuasion and CONTROL of people. Sure, all military units want obedient robots to do as they are told.


We live in a world where other people are constantly trying to get inside our minds for THEIR reasons. I began to study defensive mental stimuli as well as beneficial (the "right" kind of influence, albeit, subjective)...

and behavioral offenses, where I initiate the stimuli.

This study has provided a lot of personal benefit, including financial, which we tend to focus on here at SowPub, but having knowledge and understand and PRACTICAL APPLICATION of methods, processes and ways to influence and persuade has paid off in all arenas of my life.

Why should you care about TCA? Well, maybe you shouldn't. I don't know.

The reason I'm writing about it today is, because, I haven't read or found anything better, and over the 58 years and tens of thousands of books and courses, and studies I have done...there isn't ONE comprehensive, simple and easy to understand and use...


on the PRACTICAL APPLICATION, of the use of these methods.

The problem with PRACTICAL application is, it means different things to us. Easy to see it in a money making way, use TCA, make more money.

But maybe money isn't one of your primary current preoccupations. Maybe your finances are doing just fine, thank you very much.

And for some PRACTICAL might be in relationships, finding love, or love for a night or two. Or practical might be regarding health, or where you live and what you do. See? I just know what practical application is,

so it is much easier for me to talk in the lower terms (both in the Modified Maslow Pyramid and the SQ1) the basest of understanding MONEY.

We are a business forum, more or less, so a discussion of MONEY, and the practical ways to make more of it seem to be in order.

So how can YOU use TCA to make more money?

I call it mind reading. But it is more like mind knowing. Unlike Mel Gibson in the movie WHAT WOMEN WANT or Taraji P. Henson in WHAT MEN WANT, who actually hear what other people are thinking...

Mind knowing is about the deeper concerns of people in general and for any given person at a certain time.

TCA is useful in writing copy for a target market. It is another tool in the persuasion arsenal, a way of using the right words at the right time to resonate and activate a buying decision.

Of course, in person, it becomes a tremendously powerful way to covertly enter into prospect's minds and lay the foundation for future relationships, as we see Glenn do with big red noses, confetti cannons, etc.

Getting attention, in a positive way, is the first step...TCA takes you from there to the future in the shortest path available.

Is TCA for you? I don't know. Maybe. Maybe not.

What are YOU trying to do? As regards making money? Since that is our primary focus here.

Would you use it to gain better or more clients? You could.
Will you use it to meet new people, make new friends, influence those you know? You can.
Does TCA work all the time? Yes. And no, cause I don't know what that means.

What sort of work do you want it to do? What would be your practical application?

And, is there ONE book, report, course, class or source you have which gives you practical applications of powerful influence and persuasion techniques which help you get what you want from life? If so, please share with us all.


Last edited by GordonJ : December 26, 2018 at 01:38 PM.
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