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Old December 13, 2019, 08:04 PM
Dien Rice Dien Rice is online now
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Default Wow, you know how to cut to the chase!

Originally Posted by GordonJ View Post
As you know, I'm not big on Winners and Losers. If Trump is considered to be a big winner, as he himself thinks and only HE among the Billionaires achieved POTUS, where does that put Mother Teresa on the spectrum.

I know a lot of social workers, and dedicated people to helping others who are Winners. So, some sort of a yardstick, a measuring device would be helpful.

When we start to think in terms of Winners and Losers, then it begins a cascading of comparison.

For me, a Winner is doing what she wants to do, on her terms, and being mostly in control of her time and days.

Losers are people who want something else and continue to go in circles year after year digging ruts into early graves.

So, I'll let my shirt hang out, I'll let the dogs out to hang, I'll hang my laundry on the line, but almost all of that only within me, myself and I. Winner? Or Loser?
Hi Gordon,

I have a feeling that you and I probably think alike on this topic...

I'm not sure what "hang out" means... I guess we can interpret it how we want...!

Here's what I had in mind when I asked the question...

Many years ago (before Sowpub!), I joined Herbalife...

I only lasted a month or so. (It wasn't my scene...) But...

During my very short time in Herbalife, I went to a Jim Rohn event (which was organized by Herbalife).

Jim Rohn said something a long the lines of, you'll make as much money as the average of your 5 closest friends (or something like that). You've heard it before!

So... his advice was (as I recall) - ditch your loser friends! Just spend time with the winners!

I think he was defining "loser" by income...

I felt uncomfortable with that. I have friends who have "low income" - yet whose company I've enjoyed...

Now, are they "losers"? I don't think so... But if you define everything by income... well...

As you said, where does that put Mother Teresa? Wow, you know how to cut to the chase!

So I ignored the late Jim Rohn's advice...

Who knows, if I had followed it, maybe I'd be 100 times richer?

I have both rich friends and poor friends. I try to hang out with people who I enjoy hanging out with, and who are basically good people... That's what I guess satisfies me in a more "spiritual" way...

But - I know there are people out there who give the other advice - to ditch your "loser" friends, and only spend time with your "winner" friends - where "winning" or "losing" is often determined by wealth or income!

So, I was curious what others thought... I'm glad you chimed in... Thanks!

Best wishes,

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