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Old May 2, 2012, 10:09 AM
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Default Re: How to fall into MONEY!!!

Originally Posted by Skip Rosell View Post

*****Now, how can we find the sites that have problems with their web designer?

I could check to see if there have been any changes in the last 3 months in sites but that takes time. If no changes in last 3 months then they could be a good prospect for our service. Things move fast on the web and no changes in 3 months is not a good sign for their website. Of course they could have a static page or pages and we would waste our time doing it this way.

There are some other twists and turns I have learned over the last couple of weeks and when I have a better system I might write a report on this. Of course I won't forget my friends on SowPub.

Best of success,

Skip Rosell

Hi Skip, I'm not to familiar too familiar in finding out what you talk about in the BLUE section. Could you please elaborate?

Twists and turns,
yes, a report, free or paid, would be great!

There's also been a couple of great contributions about copyrights that is very valuable and should be included in the report and maybe elaborated upon, if the report comes to fruition.

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