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Old January 10, 2009, 05:03 AM
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Default Outliers - A Review

I just finished reading Outliers yesterday. Its a good book. But after reading it, I am left with a feeling that its just half the book it should have been.

One of my fav quotes is: "Environment trumps discipline" - Howie Schwartz

Thats the entire concept of Outliers. Gladwell's big point is: when and where you are born matter a lot in making you a success.

Yes - he talks about emotional intelligence a bit. But only to show that IQ doesn't have that big an effect in predicting success. And that EQ is based on what kind of family raises you and your early years.

Gladwell also talks about how it takes 10,000 hours to become an expert. But even then, his agenda is to show how when and where you are born helps you in getting those 10,000 hours in.

Example: He talks about how Bill Gates put in 10,000 hours on the computer before he was 19. But he then says that Bill Gates was one in a million to get to use a computer as far back as 1968 when his school got one of the first computers. If Gates would have been born 4-5 years too early or too late - he would have missed the boat.

His point is not false. But its not entirely true either. Because how many other kids were in Gates school too - who had access to the computer but didn't make use of it in 1968? A few hundred?

So Gladwell downplays the hardwork and the smarts element and has made the entire book about the luck element. When and where you are born makes you successful. Something you have no control over. Which will displease a lot of his readers.

Gladwell talks a lot about how environment makes a difference. But he doesn't delve into how you can improve your environment at all - except very subtly towards the end. And thats why - this was just half a book for me.

I would have loved him telling us a bit more about how to change your environment - and not let your environment hold you back.

The tag line for the book is: Outliers - A story of success. It should have been: Outliers - A PARTIAL story of success.

The good part now:

As usual, Gladwell's writing style is superb. He is the master story teller. The way he makes connections with stories and takes you on a well crafted journey and then persuades you to his conclusion is awesome.

The stories and research he has picked is brilliant too. You will definitely get a few "whoa" moments while reading the book. It definitely makes you think. Its well worth the $8.50 and 4 hours I spent reading it. (Might be more expensive outside the Indian subcontinent...)

(Disclosure: Malcolm Gladwell and Robert Greene are 2 authors after whom I've conciously tried to model my writing after. I love his writing style.)

In summary:

Outliers is a good book. You should read it once - especially if you like Gladwell. But its not a must read. And thats because you have to look very hard to gain the how-to part from it.

Rating: 7/10.
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