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Old September 26, 2006, 06:59 PM
Dien Rice Dien Rice is offline
Onwards and upwards!
Join Date: Aug 2006
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Default How To Spot Trends By Using Blogs

I just found out about this nifty tool. It helps you to spot trends by analyzing the world of blogs!

Put in a search term, and you'll get a nice graph out (of up to the last 6 months), telling you how many times that term has been mentioned.

You can see clear "spikes" for some obvious "time-sensitive" news... For example, try it with the search terms "Mel Gibson", "Snakes on a Plane", and "Steve Irwin" - and you'll see what I mean!

Check it out yourself...

(You only need to put in a "Display Label" if you put in more than one search term...)

By the way, the same web site has another nifty tool too... They call it a "conversation tracker". You can see how a post on one blog gets picked up by other blogs... It's pretty nifty.

Let us know if you spot any interesting trends!

- Dien
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