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Old November 4, 2020, 05:19 PM
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GordonJ GordonJ is offline
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Default How do you get market research from this sort of stalking?

Originally Posted by MikePT View Post

I am thinking on starting doing "manually" market research simply going and observing people on Shopping MAlls. Observing and taking notes.

I find it boring to study data, and to be frankly I don't know where I get data to do market research. Beside google keywords , google trends and amazon comments of customers. And listed best-sellers products on websites shops.

I rely on my own testing.

Here in Portugal there isn't such thing as SRDS (standard rate and data service).

Example: for men fashion bracelets, looking for "avatars" and watch them. Going to stores that sell similar products and watch customers on the shop.

Your opinion?

You sell men's bracelets. So, are you going to follow men into stores and see if they buy a bracelet? How do you find out why they buy anything? In a mall, there must be a dozen places that sell jewelry, how do you pick one to
'stake out".

If you think you're going to get something from this, by all means have at it.

I think it is a total waste of time.

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