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Old November 23, 2000, 12:15 PM
Julie Jordan Scott
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Creating your bliss.... :)

> Hi Julie! :)

> Julie, this quote sounds very
> interesting..... Could you explain it
> further?

Hi Dien!

I will do my very best to explain this some more.

Like Secretan, I believe we can create our most magnificent lives. In creating our lives, creating our cirumstances, this is where we can truly create our own bliss. Be an active builder of our own PERSONALIZED bliss instead of taking a prepackaged idea of bliss from someone else and sort of claiming it as our own.

Last night, I could not sleep, (highly unusual for me!) so I took out my well worn copy of Napolean Hill's "Think and Grow Rich". In Chapter 1, Hill writes about Edwin C. Barnes who wanted to partner with Thomas A. Edison. Mr. Barnes was not sure HOW to partner with Edison, so he went about his business, at first working for the famed inventor.

An opportunity in disguise came forth, which Mr. Barnes used to create his bliss. He took the "unsuccessful" Edison Dictating Machine (the salesmen could not move the product) and sold it so successfully he got a national distributorship. He also got riches as a bi-product of creating his bliss.

Does that help to explain it better?

With Purpose and Passion,


> I find Joseph Campbell to be an interesting
> fellow.... :) I haven't read any of his
> books, but I remember watching the (PBS?)
> series with Bill Moyers (I think?), on the
> nature and power of myth. It was fascinating
> stuff!

> It was quite a long time ago that I saw that
> series, but I remember thinking that there
> was a lot of truth to it.... Essentially
> what I remember is that the
> "myths" or stories of our culture
> affect how we live our lives quite
> strongly....

> And that "myths" are not just
> rooted in the ancient past, but that
> "new" myths are always being
> generated -- and he talked specifically
> about the example of "Star
> Wars"....

> Yes, I strongly believe that we CHOOSE to be
> successful or not -- though we may not
> realize it....

> For example, if we CHOOSE to be negative
> thinkers, pessimistic, small minded -- we
> choose to be UNsuccessful.

> But if we CHOOSE to be positive thinkers,
> optimistic, big thinkers aware that
> EVERYTHING is possible -- then we choose

> For every person who's a BIG success, I
> believe there are at least 1000 people who
> said "that's impossible"....
> Whether it's becoming a movie star, or
> creating a machine that flies, or
> practically any kind of endeavor!

> So, part of the path to success is CHOOSING
> to be the one in a thousand who says: It IS
> possible and I can do it!

> Wow, Julie, you really got me going here....
> Thanks.... :)

> Warmly,

> - Dien
