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Old December 28, 2011, 09:32 AM
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GordonJ GordonJ is offline
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Location: West Palm Beach, FL
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Default Good job Glenn...close to an original recipe...

he Anasazi peoples were known to grow squash, maize, beans and one can assume some variety of onions...along with yucca (casava) and were hunter/gathers too.

Your recipe sounds delicious, filling, low calorie and a dish very similar to that could have been found in cave homes can easily imagine a good day of hunting and a little venison or rabbit might find it's way into the skillet.

The Anasazi had an amazing kitchen, with ceramic ovens and of course, the open fire too. Of all the ancient ones, they may have been the most advanced in the culinary delights. We know they ground lots of wheat, corn and beans and had the pots to store this in.

The Anasazi appear to have been some of the best fed and certainly one of the healthiest of all peoples and their explosion of population shows they lived long lives too.

Great recipe Glenn, hope to have some more soon.


Originally Posted by Glenn View Post
Thanks Gordon for the INVITE to participate in
Your Ancient Indian Bean Recipe book,

I've been cooking This Recipe using Pinto Beans
for years - so all I did was TEST out swapping
the pinto beans for Anasazi Beans.

It came out Great.


Zuchini-Onion-Cauliflower-Bean Bake - 30 minute meal

Ingredients -

Big Cast Iron Skillet
One Tablespoon Olive Oil
Spatula (Like used for flipping pan cakes)
2 Zuchini or yellow squash
3 or 4 Medium Yellow Onions
1/2 head of cauliflower
2 cups of Pre-cooked Anasazi Beans
1 tsp Rosemary
1/4 tsp Basil

Your Goal is to have a Mound of Veggies above
the sides of the big skillet.


Assemble ingredients on cutting board

Pour Tablespoon of Olive oil in Iron Skillet

Turn on heat to High

Squash - Quickly cut squash into 1 inch chunks
and toss into pan to brown

Cut up all the squash - turning the pieces
at regular intervals in the pan

Onions - Then start cutting up the onions
into 1 inch chunks - and tossing them into
the pan - Turning them over with the Squash
so they all begin to brown.

Cauliflower - cut a big head in half - save half
in the refrigerator for later.

Chop up half and toss on top of the pan full of
Zuchini Quash and Onions.

You do NOT want to brown the Cauliflower -
so at this point you pour 2 cups or more of
water into the skillet. So you can Clearly see
water btwn the veggie chunks.

Add 1 tsp of Rosemary -
1/4 tsp of Basil
(A few shakes of Hot Pepper Flakes if HEAT is to your taste)

Dump 2 cups of pre-cooked Anasazi Beans
in on top of everything and run the spatula
underneath it all to carefully mix everything up
topsy turvy. (SEE page _______ for Bean cooking Directions)

COOK for 20 Minutes on High. Turning the mixture
every 5 minutes so nothing burns.


Since the Zuchini seems to cook slower
than all other ingredients - We put that
in 1st.

You can also check everything is cooked
and tender BEST by cutting a few chunks
of the Zuchini up with your spatula.

If in 20 minutes the squash is tender - so is everything else.

IF I'm in a hurry - I spoon a huge pile of these
Veggies onto a plate and eat with a fork or spoon.

Usually I've cooked too much for one meal. So
I put the rest into a refrigerator dish for later.

BUT If I'm Cooking this for Company or to take
to a dinner party. I color things up a bit by using
both Yellow and Green Squash.


Good News. Since everything in this recipe is mostly
water - you can eat until you feel STUFFED and not
gain a single ounce of wgt!

Glenn Osborn

Last edited by GordonJ : December 28, 2011 at 09:53 AM.
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