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Old March 14, 2022, 02:47 PM
Dien Rice Dien Rice is online now
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Default Too much going on... Can't focus...

"Too much going on... Can't focus..."

This probably describes a lot of people nowadays...

Too much going on... In the world... In your life... Hard to focus to get your stuff done...

You may have heard of this technique... But have you tried it?

It's called the "brain dump" method...

The simple idea is you get a notebook... Or you can use notepad-like software (I like using Google Docs)...

And simply write down EVERYTHING that's "clouding" your mind...

In my case right now, it's things like...

The war in Ukraine (and the possibility of it widening)
My two nephews' birthdays coming up later this month
Thoughts about my family
Specific health issues
Specific work I've got to get done
Payments for a gig we just got paid for, which I have to forward to band members (as a band manager)
...and so on...

What's the point of jotting it all down (even in very rough firm)?

It helps you "let it go"... So it's not all swimming around in your head any more... And it helps you focus...

Actually, it is like an easier-to-do form of the Zen "letting go" meditation technique... I might share a story about that later (and how I learned to do the Zen technique over 25 years ago)...

Good luck!

Best wishes,

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