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Old April 5, 2007, 07:05 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Good Cause? Not in my eyes...


Thanks for mentioning what you're doing this weekend.

I'd like to raise a couple of Issues about your post.

Issue # 1: Never disclose your weekend or other travel plans to strangers on the internet.

Girl in chat room tells regular friends she has to go to the airport now with her mom and pick up her father. When they get home they discover the place has been broken into. It is discovered an Internet Lurker saw the message and went to their house knowing it would be empty.

Issue # 2: Whether this Tillman thing is a Great Cause or not is a matter of opinion - and my opinion is different to yours. But regardless of that, what your post is, is an Advertising Post, as it says at the top of the forum - NO BLATANT ADS PLEASE. And this is a Blatant Ad for the foundation - whether you get a cent of the money or not. And is no different than if you had said Walmart is a Great Store and you'll be helping at Walmart this weekend and had links to Walmart.

Issue # 3: No "Good Guy Badges" here thanks. And posting here telling us all the wonderful Charity Stuff you are doing is Good Guy Badge stuff - just like others who tell us they are wonderful Christians who teach Sunday school and the like. No thanks to any of that Stuff trying to convince us of the wonderfulness of the person.

Michael Ross
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