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Old April 18, 2019, 12:30 PM
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GordonJ GordonJ is offline
Join Date: Aug 2006
Location: West Palm Beach, FL
Posts: 3,484
Default Follow up to CHALK BOARD PROFITS.

OK then, either you are curious and I'll satisfy that right now, or you are looking for a realistic,

tested and proven,

with tons of evidence and expert guidance and coaching

business Money making opportunity. Here it is:

To DO this business you will need a sample board. Steve is willing to provide you with one.

YOU have to leave your house, go into a restaurant, maybe several of them, and ask if they want a FREE CHALK BOARD for their daily specials. If they say yes, you ask them for their insurance agent, banker, plumber, or any other business they know which MIGHT want an exclusive spot on the board.

Steve says the ideal is to get 4 ads, but only 3 will put 500 bux into your pocket, heck, even only ONE ad could put cash in your pocket.

But here are a few of the sticking points with postcards and all co-op advertising selling.

You need a designer. (Steve has one you can use).
You need a printer. (Steve takes care of all the printing.)
You need forms and sign up sheets, deposit slips. (Steve provides all this).

So here is the BIZ OP, to either satisfy your curiosity or to see if you are interested.

The cost? 299.00 bux. This gives you the sample board, and direct coaching from Steve, from start to finish, and with his help, you can grow this into a very lucrative part-time or full time business. If you are younger and hungry, there isn't any reason you couldn't get a few of them started every week. Unless of course you live in the wilderness and don't have any restaurants around.

Do this now. Go to Google. Type in restaurants near me, and see what pops up.

There is your market. Now maybe you don't need coaching or support. Fine, Steve will send you a sample board for 125 dollars. But I strongly advise you consider his offer.

He KNOWS what he is doing. HOW to do it. What to say. How to get ADVERTISERS. How to get the boards out quickly.

Like Bud Riggs, Steve is a DOER. Because he is in the trenches daily, his time is limited to the number of people he can coach.

The ideal candidate for his coaching services is ready to go. Has a decent size area where he/she could possibly do at least one board a week, or more. Now he won't get into it here, or won't allow me to discuss it...but restaurants are NOT THE ONLY PLACE TO PUT UP CHALK BOARDS.

And because he has 25 years experience in the print game, plus all the ad sales he's done the last few years...he may allow his DOERS, other print opportunities too. Like the pizza menu, or the HOST/ADVERTISING gigs.

But for now, today, APRIL 18, 2019 he is focused on CHALK BOARDS.

It will cost you 299 bux to go full steam ahead. 125 for a sample board, or if you just want to start a convo, or have questions, you can send them to me.

I'm privy on what Steve is doing, and how, and I can help YOU and HIM, by being the doorway. No sense you going through it if you are not right for it, right?

So, you can also ask questions here. I'll answer them or get the answers from Steve.

There you have it. The best Biz-Op from a DOER since cleaning headlights (which a few of you are still doing) and one of the fastest ways of putting $500.00 in your pocket next week.

What questions do you have?

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