Thread: Sales Help
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Old May 18, 2003, 09:54 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Sales Help

> I work for a small distributor of
> software/video games and the latest
> Mexican/American titles. I've recently begun
> helping out with the sales aspect of it and
> have stage fright, cold feet just don't like
> making cold calls I guess. We're trying to
> tap into nontraditional markets for our
> product so I'm supposed to call on local
> chains to sell. I don't know what to say in
> the opening 30 seconds to grab their
> attention beyond introducing myself, company
> then what? Help.

You did not make it real clear whether you would be calling them on the phone first or going to see them face to face, but that doesn't matter really. If you call them on the phone try to set up an appointment to see them. Your call is to set up an appointment to see about the possibilities of your product helping them. Remember everyone answering the phone has one or two lines to get rid of people trying to sell them something so be ready to answer there objections like "I am not interested " "Do not have time", "Happy with what I have now" If you can be prepared to answer these, then most of the time the person doesn't have another objection and you can talk to them a little more. I would highly recommend role playing with someone before you actually make a call. Have them say these pat objections, answer them and get past the first one or two and the person on the other end is left without anything to come up with and you can then get an appointment.Always be polite and have a laid back manner. I always ask them if they have a minute or did I catch them at a bad time. This just shows respect for them, and most really appreciate this gesture. Here is how I would do it on the phone.
"Hello Mr. Smith this is Rick Smith with ABC software do you have an minute or did I catch you at a bad time?" Wait for his answer, If he say no this is ok then say "I am calling you in regard to setting up an appointment to talk with about how our software might help increase your store sales, ect(put your unique selling point here) and would be in your area about Tues, which would be better, morning about 10:30 or afternoon about 2." Remember they will have one or two pat answers to try to brush you off so be prepared to answer those and if you do that, usually they do not have any others and you might get an appointment.
You may say If they do not let me get an appointment on the phone I have hurt my chances to go by and call on them, not really. If you go by their place in a week they probably want even remember talking to you, nothing personal. Please feel free to contact me if I can help in any way.I can give all the free advice you want that may help.


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