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Old November 14, 2022, 02:16 PM
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GordonJ GordonJ is offline
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Default Secrets. Ready to spill my guts, clean up on Aisle Gordo

Originally Posted by Millard Grubb View Post

Even though I like people, you are right about selling remotely instead of face-to-face... less slop and mess. It saves time.

In addition, your thoughts about a market that desires what you have... like Halbert's "Hungry market" is a simple fact that many of us forget. (Sheesh)

Thank you for your reminders of the basics ! (Millard slaps his forehead)

I've made a lot of moolah selling writing to HUNGRY crowds. They are hidden in plain sight, seldom mentioned, rarely discussed. Mainly, most don't know about them. Or know how.

Thank goodness I'm here...and WILLING (finally) to share some details.

Yea, Halbert had the first half right on...sell to a hungry crowd. WHERE to find them is the more important detail he left off...

And once you know where they are, HOW TO contact them. And WHAT to say to them.

Gary had the right INTERSECTION in the transaction process, and maybe by example, he showed how he did it.

Before I reveal my closely guarded secrets, first...

There is a STARVING crowd outside TACO BELL at 2 AM, or there is a Hungry Crowd waiting for their seat at SUBLIMOTION in Ibiza, Spain.

Both hungry crowds, eh? A big difference between a box of tacos and a 20 course dinner experience.

So, as a marketer, I want a hungry crowd, but not a starving, penniless one outside of the homeless shelter waiting for the soup kitchen to open.

Which is why I harp so much on TARGETS, markets, avatars, niches and telling everyone for the umpteenth time, most profit is made at the choice of your offer.

What that is, like in chatteling, the What doesn't matter...

It is the ratio of hunger to dollars, can they afford it, and why not start with those that can, and do less selling, motivation, less persuasion and influence and find the HUNGRY crowd with the moolah and sell to them?

It it makes any sense to anyone, I'll continue and show exactly what I mean. No interest?

NO problem, I have other things to do.

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