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Old August 13, 2019, 09:00 AM
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GordonJ GordonJ is offline
Join Date: Aug 2006
Location: West Palm Beach, FL
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Default What the talking heads and mouth breathers don't get. POLITICS.

Well, we don't allow political ARGUMENTS, although commentary may squeak through.

Every talking head on TV, Right, Left, or whatever. R or D. Or Independent.

Everyone of them. All. Have means. They are not struggling financially.

From Millionaires Bill Maher and Rachel Madow on the left to Lou Dobbs and Bill O'Reilly on the right. ALL, people of means.

Senators. Congressmen. Governors. They go on TV shows and talk about what AMERICANS want.

How do they know? They DON'T. There is one issue. ONE problem.

People of means can't speak for those without.



Seriously, no one wants to pluck chickens in a Louisiana hothouse, and especially at the low pay.

JOBS. It is the one thing which will determine the 2020 Presidential Elections.

And so far, NO one, because every candidate is a person of means...NO one has put forth a plan (albeit Warren has a lot of them) on how to create


And jobs which people can do, and get paid a decent wage.

So, to all the mouth breathers spouting off on TV, what and how are you or your candidate going to do to create jobs? How can we retrain the American workforce for the modern era jobs?

We need more ENTREPRENEURS, JOB CREATORS. People with ideas, and the path to a quicker market.

Call it the economy stupid, if you want, but what economy means to most REAL Americans is JOBS. And preferably a rewarding job with a living wage attached, and decent affordable health care.

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