Thread: Cemetery $$$
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Old April 4, 2012, 06:47 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Cemetery $$$

Not to be morbid, but this may tie into cleaning headlights. I've been researching the business of cleaning headstones in cemeteries. If this has been discussed here, forgive me for bringing up an old subject, although I didn't find anything about it in the search feature.

One young man doing this (and has it down to a science) has actually made roughly $28000 during a two month period (May and June). Memorial Day and Flag Day seem to be prime time for this service, even though it can be done a good part of the year, and all year, in some cases.

Just wanted to pass this on. Marketing this could be fun, from cemeteries to funeral ads, all sorts of twistable ideas (to steal a phrase from Phil, sorry Phil).

Just wanted to pass this one on.
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