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Old February 13, 2002, 05:57 PM
Bobette Kyle
Posts: n/a
Default NASE

I joined NASE - National Association of Self Employed. They have a piece meal plan that is not as good as what you will find from most employers (if anyone finds one that is, let me know :) ), but it is semi-reasonable.

Also, in a recent newsletter, Angela Adair-Hoy ( explained what she ended up doing for her family. They bought insurance to cover catastrophic illnesses and set up a money market account to cover everyday medical expenses. In the beginning, they deposit the amount one of those pricey policies would have cost them each month. She said once it gets to a certain level, they will keep that amount as their medical reserve. To me, it sounds like a smart way to stay covered without paying outrageous premiums.

Bobette Kyle
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