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Old September 22, 2008, 07:14 AM
Sandi Bowman
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Why prudes will soon eat their food in the NUDE...

Hmmm.... Why do most folks think of nudism in terms of eroticism? In truth the erotic part is baloney and a product of pornographers and Hollywood B.S. Nudism is primarily an acceptance of our bodies as they were created/designed without false modesty. Yes, guys, I also includes a normal, healthy reaction to viewing an attractive person. Nudist camps, in fact, are not totally real either...they require a towel to cover any visible effects.

Most nudist camps and facilities are very family-oriented, in fact. Children just naturally accept their bodies unless they've been indoctrinated to feel shame and repulsion. We are, after all, when stripped of the artificiality, animals the same as others, albeit with increased cranial refinement and capacity (and sometimes much less common sense than other animals).

As for WATCHING the body as we eat, I wouldn't recommend it unless you are standing up. Who wants to watch even the tightest abdomen wrinkle and roll with the ingestion/digestion of food? Try it sometime. Ugh! So, I doubt if the nude diet will get much support ultimately.

The smaller plate idea does work, as I can attest. It also helps to use smaller serving spoons and spatulas when retrieving food for the plate. One tends to take less onto the plate that way.

Eating slower will also help as it gives our bodies time to get the message back to us: 'hey, I've had enough!' when we are eating. When we over-ride this feedback mechanism, we chronically over eat and get indigestion and bloated feeling as a result.

The idea of half hour lunch times is a bad joke and encourages bad eating habits. 45 minutes should be minimum, l hour is much healthier. One day, after waiting for 15 minutes for my food to be prepared and served, I had ten minutes to eat it and five minutes for a quick restroom visit before being back to work. As a diabetic, I HAD to eat my food...going without was not an option. A fellow diner commented on me eating so fast so I asked him what he would've done given the same circumstances. He did not reply and went back to consuming his meal. Uh-huh. Not always what it seems, is it?

Sandi Bowman
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