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Old June 16, 2017, 09:37 PM
Dien Rice Dien Rice is offline
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Default My Bug Out plan is being thought out...!

Originally Posted by GordonJ View Post
About a month or so ago I did several bug out plans, think they were 5 bux?

Anyhow, got some updates...a couple of you have actually gone on field trips to the places I suggested you peruse and you have found some interesting things. See, getting out and about leads to discovery.

Why would anyone need a bug out plan?
Natural and man made disasters; earthquakes, hurricanes, tornadoes, storms, contagions, riots, police actions, national guard call ups, black outs, chemical spills, gangs, terrorist attacks, or in-laws about to visit.

A cabin in the woods comes in handy.

Do you have a Bug Out plan?


PS. You want a primary route and a couple of alternatives, with destinations in opposite directions if possible.
Hi Gordon,

The world does seem a bit more scary nowadays than it was in the recent past...

Kim Jong Un threatened to vaporize Australia with nuclear weapons a couple months ago. (I live in Australia, though I also have US citizenship...) So that worried me. Experts say it's unlikely that North Korea can reach Australia accurately with nuclear missiles, though, which is a slight comfort... But they're working, working, working on increasing their missile range and accuracy...

(As for the USA... North Korean missiles can't reach the mainland USA yet, but it's believed their missiles could reach Hawaii and Alaska.)

I don't have plans yet... But I should!

Best wishes,


P.S. I've been working diligently (mainly writing)... I also have a survival information business... More will be coming out about that in a few months. Right now, I'm focusing on some other things, but it's all coming...
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