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Old January 7, 2018, 11:47 AM
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GordonJ GordonJ is offline
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Default I believe you are right.

Originally Posted by TommyBoy View Post
I think this is where our two views diverge. Not being a salesman I would rarely if ever push beyond a No. But what you're saying is a No is not really a No. And in my two friends above, I can see instances where I've said no, but they pushed further almost to a point of being obnoxious about getting the Yes. Interesting.

NO, what I am saying is, if you don't get a NO, then you just take the order, right?

When presenting a product/service your prospect either buys or doesn't. Pretty cut and dried. When Boz was at the car wash, he showed the people a dirty tail light half cleaned, walked up to the car, looked at the headlights, and told the person, "When you're done pull up behind that suburban over there and I'll clean your headlights." Then he walked away.

He was like most people, although physically imposing at 6'4" and 285, he was shy and almost a total introvert who hated selling. So he didn't, not until I showed up. We worked on the approach, in his case, he never gave them the chance to say yes or no. They either pulled up or didn't and he was happy with his system.

So, can we call that selling? I guess he actually had to walk to the front of the car and talk, and some days he was unwilling to do that. But his pitch was, "you got dirty headlights, I can clean them" and he didn't wait for an answer, turning his back on them before they could respond.

Anything other than a Yes or NO after a prospect sees or knows what you have to offer...may start either a controlled process from the seller's standpoint or a "get out of my face" reaction from the prospect's.

NOT caring, as in the way the Boz did it, was a game he played to avoid selling, and it worked ok for him. I at least wanted to give them a reason why a clean headlight should be wanted, to avoid hitting deer at night in the desert. Anyone who drives at night out there, instantly understood that.

OK. Now going to back to my original post and premise, I believe you TommyBoy represent the 99% of people who don't want to sell and would rather not even see the people.

So, I would agree, 100% that these people should not get involved in selling, but find other things to do which don't require any person to person contact.

Which is why I told my friend, I will be surprised if he finds 4 people in the COUNTRY who will take him up on his offer. Everyday, tens of thousands of guys go the burn and churn route, if anyone has ever posted a resume online for being a rep or if they mention selling or marketing at all, I guarantee they will be contacted by one of those guys who burns through scores of people a year, for one simple reason. Greed.

They want the rep to do the hard work of selling for a smaller % of the profits, so you see 25% to 33% being offered, and the whole thing is a grind of seeing the people, some wanting you to see 40 to 60 businesses a day.

That certainly wears people down.

I like the Boz approach of not caring. IF one can afford it. Different situations if you do something for some fun money, as opposed to paying the rent buying food situation. Money desperation carries its own repellant mechanism with it.

The difference between being obnoxious and continuing to gather information is night and day. There are lots of reasons for a NO, and it isn't impolite or obnoxious to find out their reason, and some can't even tell you what it is, they just want to be left alone, so in those cases, leave them alone.

I've always advised people to offer something people WANT and NEED, and your "presentation" can be as easy as "here it is, buy or not", as the Boz did at the carwash.

So, I do agree, even my friend's 800 buck a week simple call, show and complete system is too much for most people, which is why I've created products over the years like THE AUTOMATIC PRODUCT VENDING (APV) sites where no selling is ever needed, just traffic, which is an art form on its own. (Not really, just being able to either afford the traffic or having a traffic system set up).

I doubt many people could make 800 in their first week with either IM, APV, affiliates, Amazon or eCom or even eBay or chatteling...but I do know, because I have seen the proof, that a person can make 800 bux in a week with what my friend has to sell...IF he is willing to

A-Call local businesses.
B- Go show them the product
C- Take the orders

Even I would be hard pressed to make 800 bux cleaning headlights for 30 hours of work in a week.

Thanks TommyBoy, I think you are right, most people need to stay away from selling. I encourage a study of REMOTE direct marketing in these cases.

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