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Old September 6, 2003, 08:04 PM
Dien Rice
Posts: n/a
Default You don't have to be obnoxious to sell

Hi Mike,

Thanks for posting that. I agree with you that it works....

It's not MY style - and (as John Palma and David Frey point out), you don't HAVE to be obnoxious to succeed.

I've been studying some of the works of Elmer Wheeler. As you may know, he was a master salesman who taught thousands of people how to sell from the 1930s to the 1960s. Gordon Alexander has mentioned him in the past.

Elmer Wheeler wrote about TESTED methods that really worked to sell. And the wonderful thing about him - he was NOT obnoxious. In fact, his sales method could be called - how to sell while being completely charming. He charmed you into buying.

I'm learning a lot by reading his books. (I even have a couple sales films which he created for a couple companies - so, unlike many, I've even seen him "in the flesh" in these sales training films he made.)

Anyhow, back to the topic. Being obnoxious is not the only way to be a success. Yes, it gets attention. Yes, it can work. But it doesn't have to be that way.

On a personal level, being obnoxious is not really my style.

However, having said that, I'm actually a fan of Gary Halbert. I think he did go overboard in his latest newsletter - but in general, I like his stuff. I do find it entertaining - even though it's not my own personal style.

And like Joe Makowski points out in his post a little way down the forum, I think Gary Halbert was saying things he doesn't really believe himself. Because he contradicted things he's said before. As I've said earlier, he KNOWS that untargeted traffic does not necessarily equal sales. Yet he implies that it's the case in his latest newsletter. Why? I don't know (and don't really care).

As Simon Latouche said further down the forum, I think Gary went back on his promise to this young man. He didn't name him, but he did everything but that to make sure that most people could recognize who he meant.

Anyhow, back to the point. You don't have to be obnoxious to sell.

Mike, your posts are always among the sharpest and most intelligent online. I ALWAYS read them (and sometimes print them out to read them if they're quite long). And your latest post (the one I'm replying to) is no exception. Great advice.

I've never read a more accurate description than when you said this:

Gary creates a copy-writing "car-wreck" that you just have to slow down and gawk at.

There are many ways to succeed. I think you just have to find one that suits your natural style.

Best wishes,

- Dien