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Old September 7, 2003, 05:23 PM
Erik Lukas
Posts: n/a
Default Gary Halbert - genius, mad man, potty mouth, old pisspot, entertainer, computer novice

Gary is an icon. His latest newsletter has mainly drawn attention because the majority of online board readers have their sights set on “internet marketing information” and not just “marketing information.”

His slashing of experts names and reputations based solely on Alexa ratings is wrong. Jonathan Mizel and Mike Enlow who I have a mild knowledge of are certainly not struggling. The others probably aren't either but I don't know enough about the current crop.

I do like the phrase "cross their palms with silver." Makes me laugh at the thought of my past enterprises.

You see, I also taught my tricks to those who "crossed my palms with silver." Never for much silver (really what was I thinking with my prices and lack of back end products?).

And I never thought my tricks were junk. When I was pushing ahead with my internet marketing teaching business in the mid-late 90s, there were actually a few "tricks" that could be used. Mainly in the areas of teaching niche marketing to beginners and search engine positioning to those who wanted to do battle daily. And a little copywriting I picked up from reading one too many get rich quick ads.

There is one name on Gary's list that I believe actually stepped on little internet marketing toddlers years ago with his virtual mall idea. But if he hadn't had it, someone else would have. How was he to know it wouldn't work out?

I think the way new technologies are used can go many different directions and the way they end up going is more dictated by a few headstrong individuals, persistence, will, money, and maybe a bit of plain luck. (But Jeffrey's "Cash Copy" book is a copywriting goldmine.)

* The interview books are usually weak in general (although in the non internet marketing world, I've read some wonderful stock market exceptions) and I dislike cross promotion through testimonials although it was a clever idea in the beginning.

* Fake geek vs. real geek battle = funny

* I don't see any way he would be in possession of this computer program, but being that he is not the most computer literate (which he has said and bragged about in the past) individual, he could easily have gotten confused when having the email tracing program described by his ubber geek who offhand mentioned a theoretical method of tracing emails via how hard someone presses the keys.

* I stagger around like a blind mouse quite often.

* I think he's going to suggest a newsletter with a very personal style of your own instead of follow up cookie cutter back end offers and affiliate offers.

* The merchant account info is something I unfortunately don't have a need for at this time.

* He's right about opt in lists. I joined some which they conveniently won't give me the information I need to unsubscribe from.

This would of course be different if it were an honest opt in list sending me offers and information I was really interested in on a super targeted subject.

* I liked his movie/TV sketch. Quite realistic of what to expect from most movies/shows.

* I don't want to nor need to hear about the AEP from Gary even though his langauge usually doesn't phase me one iotta... iota... iotah... bit.

* (JAMES JONES) "(What do you want to bet that since his house geek was leaving he pulled a little going away prank on Gary and told him that there was software that could do that. He knew Gary wouldn't be able to resist braging about it in his newsletter and making a fool out of himself. Gary probably made up all the stuff about his uncle to make the story sound better. ) "

I think James is right on.

* Yes, Boyd. I'd like to know what his "not free publicity" no cost newspaper ad idea is.... too bad if it's real like most "secrets" it wouldn't work more than a month after that seminar where he gave it away.

* Simon, like you I enjoy subtle humor much more than "tasteless."

* Andrew, I would take up issue with this...

"The basic value is how not to ... I think I'll send my clients there to show them what not to do."

What Gary is doing is obviously working for him with regards to both the people who knew him in the old days and the new batch finding their way to him sick and tired of the same old/same old boring BS from every other packaged self proclaimed expert.

I would venture to guess that he is making a lot of money from his web site.

I would tell them more that here is a web site tattooed across the forehead with personality. That it is an extreme example.

Vulgar and seen as tasteless by some but coming from a man who some see as an almost god of gurus who can say and do whatever he wants and not worry about not offending. A man who has built up loyalty and customers across the world.

I would explain that they must project their own (not someone else's) personality at least to a degree in their web site. So you can show them the extreme end of the spectrums by showing them Gary's site and say a copy and pasted affiliate site no one is going to look at for more than 2 minutes.

* I am still a fan of Gary Halbert.

And, Mike, Bravo on your post summarizing it all (car wreck/knife to a gun fight) and thank you for igniting discussion here. As always, I will continue to look forward to your posts.

* Gary is an "old pisspot" and he simply doesn't care.


Erik Lukas