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Old January 4, 2008, 01:36 AM
Richard Dennis
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Default Re: How To Make Your Own Luck!


Funny - Lucky? - Who knows?

I was just mentioning Carr's book to a friend recently. I read it about 30 years ago, and it was certainly one of the most memorable books I've ever read.

As I recall ... I'm 30 years older, remember? ... Carr talked about the magical spiderweb you create when you systematically reach out to others over a period of time, and how THAT is responsible for luck. In his studies, those who experienced luck almost always had a bigger spiderweb than those who experienced "unluck."

The more people you know and connect with in a supportive manner - like in SOWPUB - the better the chance you'll find out about good stuff that others who don't build that spiderweb will never be privy to. Carr said that luck is purely a result of benefitting from the news, opportunities, etc., carried by that bigger network which you created.

Anyway, once I read Carr's book, the mystery of luck was gone for me. Simple explanation, and anyone can actually set out to create a lifetime of good luck.

Richard Dennis
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