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Old May 16, 2007, 12:11 PM
Chuck Huckaby
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Sales job interview Weds. How can I nail it?

I think researching the company is the key like Glenn said, though he focused on researching the competition.

A job interview is a sales situation where you must sell the company on hiring you.

You must know what they desperately need to accomplish.

Then you must tell them why you can help them accomplish it!

If the job is worth enough to you, preparing a notebook for everyone who'll interview you may turn the tide.

Having something to leave behind that shows your creativity when everyone else left just a resume behind may be just what you need.

It doesn't always work but you'll KNOW you did more than most will ever dream of doing. If you don't get the job, you'll know the fix was in or that they're idiots and that has its own satisfaction! I can vouch for that from experience!

Easy to say but harder to do, that's where the research comes in.

Chuck Huckaby

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