Thread: The human brain
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Old September 19, 2003, 06:15 PM
Michael Ross (Aust, Qld)
Posts: n/a
Default News Causes Chaos


Thanks for ignoring the news brainwashing.

When you ignore the news and current affairs shows, you can't get frustrated. You can't get annoyed at the news for their bad reporting. Can't get heated over WHAT they report. Thus, you can get on with your life without "things eating away at you."

No "negative news thoughts" means you get to be more productive. You can concentrate on the job at hand.

Self-inflicted news-ignorance is bliss.

HA! Reminds me of Sgt Schultz... I know nothing.

Reminds me of the hotdog seller story. Business was fine and dandy until his son told him we were in a recession and thus advertising should be cut back. End result = dead business.

Sky News in Aust report false news for a whole day. Other news services - Fox, CNN, CBS, CNBC, BBC - were all reporting the "true" news as based on live statements from those in authority. Sky kept on with the false news - even after telecasting the live statements. I guess it furthered their agenda. Who knows. (shrug)

Michael Ross