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Old September 22, 2011, 10:29 AM
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GordonJ GordonJ is offline
Join Date: Aug 2006
Location: West Palm Beach, FL
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Default HOT list of chattel and superior ads sell stuff quickly.

A list of profitable chattel.

I’ve been asked a lot of questions about Skip Rossel’s new report and my own Chatteling Report. and

Skip shows how he uses a piece of software to make it easy to find stuff to sell, his automated system pretty much forces you to pay attention to potentially profitable deals.

I’ve been using this software as well as other software in my chatteling efforts. Skip gives you his list in his report, I’m going to give you my list here and now.

However, it must come with the caveat, I mostly use dollars in my searches, but these are the things I search for with Skip’s method.

Panasonic, EdenPure,Breville, Champion, Cuisinart, VitMix, KitchenAid, Keurig, Haier.

Plug these names into the software and use my dollar amounts and you’ll see how easy it is to pick up and then Resell these hot items.

Now about selling.USE your superior knowledge of marketing to sell stuff you find. I search for things that DO NOT have pics, cause some people just don’t know how to post them…if it is a decent piece, I KNOW I can use pics, and with some FREE pic hosting, like Photobucket…

YOU can create a better craigslist ad. Give them a REASON to call you.
Here is a post I made this morning and I’ve already rec’d calls. I posted to both the Akron andthe Cleveland craigslist with slightly different appeals…but note, I give them a reason for selling this item.

Keep the PARADE OF LIFE in mind and reread the section on the Psychology of buying and selling in my Chattel Report and you’ll understand why people sell stuff so cheap and why YOU can make fast and ez profits if you just do it.

Have a great day doing whatever it is you are doing.

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