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Old July 19, 2017, 11:12 AM
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GordonJ GordonJ is offline
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Location: West Palm Beach, FL
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Default What happens when you fall out of love?

Originally Posted by unpinkpanther View Post
What I really want is what is stated on your Twitter page:

We're a well-established (since 2000) discussion group, all about sharing info on increasing your wealth and overall happiness!

That's the value I've been getting from this forum: valuable PRACTICAL information on marketing and wealth creation.

For the past 18 years, you've kept this place free from the decadence of get-rich-quick scams and flat-out spammers. (If you don't think that's a great achievement, just look at what happened to the Warriorforum)

Yes, sites like these may not get high "traffic", but remember that Truth is hardly ever as sexy as the seductive lies that flood the interwebs.

Please keep up this labour of love.

Thank you

Labor of love indeed.

There was a time, when I was married for 15 years and if you would have told me it wasn't going to last, I'd have bet the farm against you, yet a few years later, "the light of a whole life died, when love was done".

Also, most people a few years back were sure GOLF would be my love, avocation way into whatever old age I would enter, yet, I quit golf, a lucrative golf practice, COLD TURKEY, WALKED away and have never looked back.

I may be OUT of love about sharing info... on these subjects. We have a huge archive on just about anything you can imagine.

And I just don't have much to add. PLUS, we do other things. So like in golf, those 5 hour golf outings, several times a week, ate up TIME, AND once that time was freed up, other fun and enjoyable things filled it up.

Yes, we have both spent a LOT of time on SowPub, but has it reached a point of diminishing returns? Maybe, maybe not. I'm on the fence, and have to weigh the benefits of my time being spent here, and lately, it hasn't been all that rewarding, can't speak for Dien, but the fact we're both heavily pursuing OFF LINE ventures to the tune of 'bulk of our work TIME'
maybe we just let YOU guys handle Sowpub.

I'm just asking, undecided at this point. So I actively solicit your opinions, to be able to make an informed decision.

Gordon Jay Alexander
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