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Old February 5, 2009, 08:14 AM
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Ankesh Ankesh is offline
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Default Re: I am now a TWITTER...ATTN: Pete Egeler


I've been using Twitter quite regularly since a few months now.

My twitter:

Some points about twitter:

1. You won't realize the power of twitter unless you follow 60-70 people. So don't give up before that (and yes - you will feel like giving up).

2. Twitter is very fast paced. Its ok if you don't keep up with every message of every follower you have.

3. Twitter can become very addictive too. So make sure you are disciplined with it from the beginning. Have rules like checking twitter just twice a day. For not more than 5 minutes.

4. A lot of people use twitter for conversations. I use twitter as a means of distribution. So the more followers I have, the farther my news will spread (if its good ofcourse).

5. So how do you get more followers on Twitter? Twitter popularity = 20% personality + 80% mathematics.

Personality: Share useful stuff with people. Be helpful.
Mathematics: The more people you follow, the more people will follow you back. So slowly and gradually - start following more people.

6. Don't make a mistake of following 1000 people together. Because otherwise, people will think you're a spammer. So increase your follower count gradually.

7. Feel free to unfollow people who don't follow you back too. Ideally - you want to keep your "followers" count within 5% of your "following" count. And you can't do that unless you unfollow people who don't follow you back.
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