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Old February 18, 2020, 12:48 PM
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GordonJ GordonJ is offline
Join Date: Aug 2006
Location: West Palm Beach, FL
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Default CORONAVIRUS impact. None or severe?

So, the Coronavirus.

Still taking that cruise? The vacation to Asia? No big deal or life changing?

As Entrepreneurs, we have to speculate, or at least be aware of potential problems with our business, even though you may think it is way unrelated.

Movie theaters, restaurants, clubs, performances...all events where a lot of people gather... when the masks first appear, will attendance dwindle?

Will more cocooning take place? A rise in Netflix, Disney and HBO sign ups? Fewer nights out?

As of today, we have polarized sides, like our politics...from the Chicken Little, the sky is finally falling to to fearless...more FAKE NEWS crowd.

We don't yet know. We do know the flu is ten times as deadly at this point, and targets the elderly and the sickly. Maybe the Springtime thaw will chase the Coronavirus away like our Winter Blues and we'll all be back to normal ASAP.

I'm not big on crowds and going out to begin with, so I don't expect any changes in my routines, I don't go to the gym, so my workouts can continue without worry. Will more people opt to leave the gym and join an online group instead? Opportunity there.

Sometimes, when we discuss these things out loud, we may sound opportunistic which in and of itself isn't a bad thing, usually gets on shaky ground when we try to cash in on tragedy.

These viruses, flus and potential Pandemics will continue to Trend and one of them, maybe even this one, could bring catastrophic results. But let's not get trampled in the crowd when every one is heading for the doors. Exit in an orderly fashion.

Right? HA!

Speaking of cashing in on News (fake or otherwise) of the moment, there will be tons of money made this year by those printing yard signs, hats, T-shirts, or Memes of the day. In politics, I feel it is fine to be at least as opportunistic as the candidates themselves are. So, make some dough in 2020.

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