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Old April 16, 2018, 11:25 AM
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GordonJ GordonJ is offline
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Default Over a century of double standards, two-faced politicians and the corporations who

Originally Posted by SteveSki View Post
The Trump Campaign had to pay for the data but back in 2012 Facebook let the Obama Campaign keep and use everyone's data for free... Double Standards.

who serve them.

100 years since the end of WW I, the war to end all wars. The start of the USA military industrial complex there is no escaping from today. War is profitable.

As for double standards in Corporations, it is the reason we have so many lobbyists. Facebook may pay (as they should) at the bar where their stocks trade. It really is the only weapon we have, to use our pocketbooks to say enough.

Younger people are fleeing Facebook, it has become OLD, and who doesn't hate all the ads. NEW social media will grow.

But as for data breaches and use of our personal information, a couple of points. 30 years ago, you got mail, and once they figured out how you voted, you got BOMBARDED with political messages and solicitations for funding.

YOU were on a list (probably several). These lists were rented and used by politicians and CORPORATIONS trying to sell you stuff.

The big thing is, if they have your data, you've given them permission to use it, who reads TOS and Privacy Policies when downloading a FREE software, for example.

I've written about this for decades and told the story of Charlie Green in 1969 and his very accurate, albeit paranoid conspiracy theorist view, prediction we'd someday be DATA, and we are. Charlie was right.

As for being persuaded politically, I'm dubious about the effectiveness, show me proof that a given group was persuaded to change sides.

Politicians have been in bed with Big CORP for well over a century, Titans of Industry have always contributed their time, money and when possible THEIR INFLUENCE,

even if it is just ACCESS

the their people, be it employees, followers, customers or vendors.

Influence peddling is SOP in politics, world wide. There is no FAIR.

There is no HIGHER GROUND, it is all bull****, no side, no left/right or center has any stronger moral fitness than the other.

They are all dupicitious, self serving and do what they can for themselves.

Zuckerberg, Musk, Bezos, three of the most dangerous men in America today, and another 101 of the elite, the illuminati (as it is), all are complicit in how things work in politics, government and in life.

F*ck em all. Both sides.


PS. I still get ads for baby items, cause Mark, Jeff and et al, still have me as a one time teen mom, now with a toddler, because that is what my DATA told them I was. Fun stuff and thank you Charlie Green.
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