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Old August 21, 2021, 12:20 PM
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GordonJ GordonJ is offline
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Location: West Palm Beach, FL
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Default Well, back in the day...when I sold jewelry, I didn't.

When I was writing for jewelry, I seldom sold the jewelry. But found a story to go with it, even in sheet catalog sales, there was some sort of a story attached.

I would offer a compass to compliment the anchor. The anchor is the symbol of staying put, the compass is the symbol of pulling up anchor and heading out.

"There's a ship lies rigged and ready in the harbor,
Tomorrow for old England she sails..." Opening lyrics of LAST FAREWELL. Listen to that song, and it is a story of both anchors and compasses.

If it were me, I'd have a story about anchors and how they can be calming, staying put, safe harbors, safety in relationships, and how the compass is not only the polar opposite of an anchor, but they are the ying/yang of adventures, new experiences, new adventures, breaking out of comfort zones.

I would think of MAUD MULLER, and the one hour adventure that haunted two people for the rest of their lives.

But, that's only what I would do.


Originally Posted by MikePT View Post

I need help on finding backend products.

I am selling a leather bracelet with a symbol of an anchor for man. I am trying to understand why people bought it.

It is not the copywriting because I tested the same copy with different models, and this anchor model sells more.

Probably the best way is simply ask to my customers why they bought it.

However I divided in 6 possibilities:

1) They like the visual/design of this one. Simple as this;

2) They like brown leather bracelets in general;

3) They like nautic acessories;

4) They like to wear acessories to shine/flaunt (this one the symbol is quite big);

5) The symbol of the anchor means something. It can be the symbol himself (like connection/safety);

6) The photos of the advertising are very good;

Your thoughts?

Thank you.
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