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Old August 19, 2021, 07:35 PM
Dien Rice Dien Rice is online now
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Default Some off-the-cuff thoughts

Originally Posted by MikePT View Post

I need help on finding backend products.

I am selling a leather bracelet with a symbol of an anchor for man. I am trying to understand why people bought it.

It is not the copywriting because I tested the same copy with different models, and this anchor model sells more.

Probably the best way is simply ask to my customers why they bought it.

However I divided in 6 possibilities:

1) They like the visual/design of this one. Simple as this;

2) They like brown leather bracelets in general;

3) They like nautic acessories;

4) They like to wear acessories to shine/flaunt (this one the symbol is quite big);

5) The symbol of the anchor means something. It can be the symbol himself (like connection/safety);

6) The photos of the advertising are very good;

Your thoughts?

Thank you.
Hi Mike,

My impression is that an "anchor" is quite a manly symbol...

I really don't know your market. So my "off the cuff" thoughts (which could be wrong) would be...

- Some men find the symbol quite manly, and like it for that reason. (What comes to my mind are the anchors on the forearms of Popeye!)

- Possibly your customers have some connection to ocean-related activities, such as being in the navy, or perhaps they own a boat, or they enjoy scuba-diving, etc.

The best thing to do, of course (as you said), is to ask them... After they buy, send a friendly email and ask them whey they bought it...!

Best wishes,

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