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Old March 7, 2002, 12:20 PM
Taylor Trump
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Should you reveal your success, or hide it...?

I recently read a truism (is that a word) that stated the following:

"The rich person is not the one who has the most but who needs the least."

Years ago I use to study the billionaires and would call them and write to them, etc. (No shame). Here in the Twin Cities I was fortnuate enough to meet Mr. Carl Pohlad and I asked him why he sued Forbes over listing him as one of the country's most wealthiest people.

He said that ..."wealth and publicity do not mix." I recently found that out for myself.

In my opinion, I feel that if you are succeeding and feel a strong need to tel someone, then do it behind closed doors with a group of people who are inetrested in learning from you-a subscription based website or a high-priced newsletter.

I look at Gordon and the trials and tribulations he suffered as a result of simply...


So, again, me...I think it is really unwise to share with thos not desiring your understanding, knowledge and wisdom.


> The biblical answer is that you should be
> rich,
> but appear poor. The world's answer is to be
> broke and appear wealthy. Take your pick.
> Okay,
> I'm being a little facetious. But the point
> is
> that the reality is we live in the age of
> envy.
> Anything you have, you can be sued for by
> anyone
> who has a dollar less than you and sees this
> as
> being unfair. The government can freeze your
> assets in less than 10 minutes. And it is a
> sinking, sick feeling when it happens. But
> whose
> going to pay attention to a fat, balding,
> old guy
> wearing jeans, t shirt and sneakers? Live
> very
> low profile.

> While I was writing this, I remembered what
> happened to Gary Halbert. He went around
> bragging
> how many 1000's he was making a day and
> ended up
> being put in a canvas bag while 2 thieves
> rummaged
> thru his home.

> My vote? Fly low and collect the dough!

I've discovered an amazing and simple picture that allows you to persuade and influence others!!!