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Old August 17, 2020, 02:45 PM
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GordonJ GordonJ is offline
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Location: West Palm Beach, FL
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Default Hypnosis, NLP and all that jazz.

Next audio, Fran Renner. 1965. She was one of the first practicing Hypno-therapists in the area, and was right across the hall from my dentist, who used to ask me, "Is it safe" (one of my movie/TV brain pop culture refrences, this to the movie Marathon Man with Dustin Hoffman).

Anyhow, Fran hypnotized me. Then over the course of the next 3 years taught me and mentored and guided me to study and learn all things hypnotic.

So in this next audio installment, I'll review the 5 years of using my Magic Words and selling door to door, as I developed my human laboratory (aka Falls High School) where I could test out my magic words and hypnotic gaze.

Then the third audio will jump 5 more years, to my Navy years, and this may be a several part audio, depending on what and where the interest lies.

When Bandler and Grinder first came out with the whole Neuro Linguistic Programming thing, it was initially well rec'd and their early work had some good reference material. But that wasn't making them any money, that is when then went the BIZ OP route with NLP. Believe it or don't, I find the commercial Biz-Op stuff to be crapola, but, if you use it and it works, good on you.

Of course I feel the same way about today's copywriting, especially the teachers of writing direct response copy... popular parts of the Biz-Op markets today, both NLP and copy.

Here are the schools of thought on writing copy.

A. Copywriting is a skill/craft/art which could take years to master and toss in the studies of psychology, motivation, buying decisions, and take a lot of courses (from me) and spend a lot of money....


Z. People are monkeys. Sell them sh*t before someone else does. They are easily fooled, easily manipulated, quit being stupid and sell baby sell...

And of course C through Y...everything in between, because the market for this is huge. It is an easy way to a six figure a year income, after all.

Write. And people line up to buy FROM YOU. There, the basic Copywriting pitch, which has produced over 100,000 new copy writers in the last couple of years.


Hypnosis, gives one an AWARENESS of the depths of human thoughts, depths that many people don't know exist. Modern neuroscience has only proven so many of these 50 year old ideas on how the brain functions, they (the old timers) guessed right on most of it.

Does one need all this knowledge to sell? Of course not, one can go straight to Z, and sell sh8t to people who have more money than common sense, even Bernie Madoff understood this.

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