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Old September 5, 2017, 11:39 AM
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Default Re: forum versus social media

Originally Posted by Cornell View Post
I was a moderator for a large group for several months and it was a real P-A-I-N...I stopped doing it.

In forums or even WordPress Blogs you have an archive of the info posted that becomes a knowledge base which is searchable.

In Facebook groups one keeps answering the same questions over and over and over again...year after year...there is no way to have a knowledge base.

Using Twitter, Instagram, or Pinterest to feed any of the above is simply just good marketing...especially when the forum or blog is a display case for your products, or when trying to establish oneself as an authoritative figure.

Want to become the go to guy...join a group that interests you and get active for a few months answering questions...if you don't have an answer google it and then answer...usually the people asking are too lazy to do their own research. Two benefits to will get to be the go to guy and as a bonus having done this you will most likely have sufficient info and knowledge to create your own product...or...for hotsheets the 30 answers critical to XXXX, or the 20 secrets to will know exactly what people are looking for and want.


You have just exposed the secret to success. Damn, now everybody knows.

I couldn't agree with you more about people being too lazy to do their own research. What grabs me by the short hairs is how prevalent this is among our so called college students. (I live in a college town and interact w/these wanna be future leaders.)

I guess that's why the 80/20 rule will never disappear. And that's no matter the type of guvmint structure we have. Anyway, just my thoughts...
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