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Old December 25, 2007, 10:37 PM
Sandi Bowman
Posts: n/a
Default Plaxo? Any feedback on it?

I was invited to join Plaxo by someone I respect and admire but, after looking over Plaxo site, I decided not to join. Tho' I belong to LinkedIn, I'm very cautious about other social and networking sites. I refused Plaxo because one of their partners is AOL.

The other reason I refused is that I'd prefer to control my address. If others put my addy in their address books, it'd be best if it's someone I trust and am aware of having my addy. I don't need virus problems and so on, thanks.

Now, feel free to berate me, or congratulate me, or whatever but I'd really love to hear your viewpoints on this issue. Thanks!

Sandi Bowman
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