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Old June 18, 2011, 11:31 AM
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GordonJ GordonJ is offline
Join Date: Aug 2006
Location: West Palm Beach, FL
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Default Although that is my number one...there are other reasons for failure including:

Working with the wrong kind of people.
Attitude of Entitlement.

First, the WRONG kind of people;

3 types. 1 is a doer who has fruit to show for his past efforts.
2 is a talker.
3 is a saboteur, often a self-saboteur who thrives on destruction.

Pick only number ones to work with. Any other choice is a bog down, quicksand way to failure.

Second thing, avoid people who expect you to do all the work. Some people have an attitude of "deserving" help or of expecting someone else to provide critical elements of their projects. These types get mad and angry when they don't receive the help they EXPECT.

Entitlement thinking is to be avoided at all costs.

And then stubborness.

Over the past 40 years I've encountered scores of people who want to do things their way, even after being exposed to a tested and proven way of doing things.

Many of the excuses one hears are: my business is different. My area is different. My way will be better.

So the FAILURE will continue to do things his way, perhaps for decades even, instead of walking the footpath to success other people have carved out.

MY opinion is lack of focus and commitment is number one...but any of these other three mistakes also produces massive failure.

Work with number ONES only.
No one OWES you anything.
Be willing to accept criticism and guidance and instruction without defending your habit of failure.

Keep these simple principles in front of you and be passionate and determined about your goals and success is likely to be on your daily path.

Gordon Alexander

Originally Posted by Bob Blagg View Post

What you said is so true, that in order for me to stay on track to reaching my goals I am going to print it out and hang it by my computer where I can refer to it twice a day. Once when I first wake up and once just before I retire for the day.
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